Plasma donation program for patients with Hepatitis B, Donate plasma be paid and help others
Do you currently have “acute” or “Chronic” hepatitis B? If so we have a specialty research program designed to help you as well as the research and diagnostic communities. Your plasma is a crucial component for invitro-diagnostic companies in the manufacturing and creation of the test kits used to diagnose patients with this virus as well as further research into the virus.
Participants who qualify and participate can earn up to $500 per visit and you can safely donate 2x in a 7 day period based on the FDA guidelines for donor safety. Plasma is the yellow, watery substance in the red blood cells which house various proteins as well as the antibodies for your diagnosis. The plasma is separated via a procedure called plasmapheresis and your red blood cells are returned to you which is why you can donate 2x in a 7 day period. Donating plasma is a very safe and simple procedure and it is performed in licensed, FDA regulated plasma facilities under the direction of the centers medical director.
To learn more and to see if you may qualify please visit us at, or you may reach us at 800-510-4003 to discuss the program further.
Patients with Thyroid Disorders Needed to help others and research
Have you been diagnosed as having a Thyroid Disorder like Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism? Do you have desire to help others and researchers? We have a plasma donation program designed just for you and we need patients to participate. Plasma is a vital component in the very test kit(s) that were used in aiding your diagnosis. Plasma contains proteins and antibodies and the researchers need those antibodies to create the positive controls to diagnose other patients. Without plasma donors such as yourself these very test kits run a risk of going on back order making a speedy and accurate diagnosis more difficult when physicians or hospitals need the kits to make the diagnosis.
The plasma donation program is called plasmapheresis where your plasma is spun off from the red blood cells and you get your red cells returned to you thru this process. Plasma donation programs are so safe that the FDA allows you to do so more frequently than say a whole blood drive. Plasma is “rebuilt” within a 24 hour period allowing you to donate twice in a 7 day period, whereas whole blood you can only do so every 56 days/8 weeks because it takes your body this long to recoup/re-build the red cells donated.
Participants who qualify and donate are compensated in the program each time they donate and can earn $300 a visit ($600 or more per week) for donating plasma to help others. All travel related expenses are pre-paid by us to get you to/from a facility nearest you to participate and you still get your full payment at the conclusion of each visit.
To learn more please visit , or you may reach us at 800-510-4003 to speak to a live representative.
Basic Qualifications:-
- Must have, or have access to your blood test results showing your antibodies which are your TG/Thyroglobulin and your TPO/Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies. We cannot use a TSH, T3 or T4 result to qualify you as those are “hormone” function tests and not the actual antibodies produced by your diagnosis.
- Must be HIV/HCV/HBV Negative
- Must be 18-65 years in age and weigh at least 110 pounds or more
Your plasma can help individuals with the same disease
Every one of the individuals who have been influenced by the hepatitis infection can be restored with the assistance of the antibodies present in your plasma. The exploration that is conceivable with your counter acting agent can help forestall this malady to spread later on. Indeed, even in instances of pregnancy in which the infant and the mother are tainted with hepatitis, these antibodies assume a gigantic job in shielding the kid from hepatitis. Access Clinical sees how significant your Donation is and consequently we remunerate you for each gift that you make with us.
Access Clinical is constantly accessible to answer any inquiries that you may have. Each donation you make is a chance to improve the world by one step. Numerous lives can be spared and given a superior way of life with your important donation. Your donations likewise assume a key job in the advancement of plasma inferred items and medications. At the point when you discover that you have been analysed by the Hepatitis illness, it tends to be an extraordinary change in your day by day life. Individuals that are contaminated with this malady are doing combating regularly to carry on with a typical life.
You can utilize the Access Clinical hepatitis plasma Donation administrations to help other people like you that are experiencing this infection. Donating causes you take part in explore that give answers for your malady through medications and tests that finish up to new diagnostics. This can prevent the ailment from spreading and can enable patients to recuperate.
You would now be able to help over a thousand lives if the individuals who are doing combating the hepatitis infection by turning into a contributor at Access Clinical. We teach our givers about the whole system they need to experience. Access Clinical is one such spot that continues scanning for contributors with antibodies against hepatitis. If you at any point had this disease, at that point you will be qualified to be a benefactor through the hepatitis gift program. Prior to each donation, it is compulsory for you to experience a registration that will decide your qualification. This particular program gets out for benefactors with satisfactory hepatitis antibodies in their plasma.
Why you should consider Cytomegalovirus Blood Donation
Cytomegalovirus is a sickness that is exceptionally hurtful in the entirety of it’s stages. It is imperative to discover a fix that closures this through research. The quantity of people with this sickness is developing step by step. Indeed, even adolescents and grown-ups are among the individuals who are getting affected by this ailment. However, the individuals who have a solid safe framework can avoid coming down with this malady effectively. The beginning of cytomegalovirus marks signs that incorporate swollen organs, fever and sore throat. These signs when gone on for quite a while must be checked for cytomegalovirus ailment.
Cytomegalovirus tainting are related to each registration we make before the gift happens. Numerous patients have the cytomegalovirus ailment to such a degree, that it can prompt their passing. By cytomegalovirus blood donation at Access Clinical, the antibodies present in your plasma can assist different patients with this perilous ailment. Each screening for this infection happens carefully and at the solace of the donor.
Each patient with cytomegalovirus malady is under the treat of death and unsafe wide impacts. With a screening test before the cytomegalovirus blood Donation at Access Clinical, you can be have confidence that there is no hurtful transmission. We represent considerable authority in antibodies.
In the present time, Access clinical runs over various patients that have been influenced with cytomegalovirus malady. Cytomegalovirus blood donation at Access Clinical assist you with giving your antibodies serenely and prudently to the individuals who are experiencing cytomegalovirus ailment. The cytomegalovirus remains inside the body of the infected and can be evacuated with the assistance of the antibodies present in others. A record of your donation is kept up before transfusion to different patients.
Patients with cytomegalovirus incorporate the individuals who have helps, recently conceived infants and those with HIV. Among these, those patients with mono sicknesses and who are yet to get kidney transplants are likewise profited by cytomegalovirus antibodies. Cytomegalovirus blood donation at Access Clinical is finished with an exhaustive examination of the patient to see the normal measure of antibodies present in their framework.
Your hepatitis plasma donation can help people with the same disease
When you find out that you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis disease, it can be a drastic change in your daily life. People that are infected with this disease are battling every day to live a normal life once again. You can use the Access Clinical hepatitis plasma Donation services to help others like you that are suffering from this disease. Donating helps you participate in research that provides solutions for your disease through treatments and tests that conclude to new diagnostics. This can stop the disease from spreading and can help patients recover.
You can now help over a thousand lives if those who are battling the hepatitis disease by becoming a donor at Access Clinical. We educate our donors about the entire procedure they have to go through. Access Clinical is one such place that keeps searching for donors with antibodies against hepatitis. If you ever had this disease then you will be eligible to be a donor through the hepatitis donation program. Before every donation, it is mandatory for you to go through a check-up that will determine your eligibility. This specific program calls out for donors with adequate hepatitis antibodies in their plasma.
All those who have been affected by the hepatitis virus can be cured with the help of the antibodies present in your plasma. The research that is possible with your antibody can help prevent this disease to spread in the future. Even in cases of pregnancy in which the baby and the mother are infected with hepatitis, these antibodies play a tremendous role in protecting the child from hepatitis. Access Clinical understands how valuable your Donation is and hence we compensate you for every donation that you make with us.
Access Clinical is always available to answer any queries that you may have. Every donation you make is an opportunity to make the world a better place. Many lives can be saved and given a better lifestyle with your valuable donation. Your donations also play a key role in the development of plasma-derived products and medicines.
Get paid to make drastic changes in medical research
As such, paid donations have a higher danger those labile blood parts, for instance, red platelets and platelets which are polluted. Additional prosperity measures for dealing with plasma donations, and the game plan, cleaning and viral-inactivation steps used for the age of plasma backups may render the qualification in compelling ailment marker rates in donors insignificant for plasma things. In any case, not all diseases are inactivated and paid supporters were on and on found to have higher frequencies of markers for creating experts.
In a quality system, fundamental steps of the methodology should be tended to, and decision of the donor masses is one of the underlying stages in this technique. It is provoked that blood establishments present yearly reports with complete and unrefined data to specialists on the event and incapability of infectious illness markers among their suppliers as a nonstop perception on the “quality” of their sponsor peoples. Paid blood or plasma promoters still have higher rates for infectious illness donations than unpaid providers.
It is eventually addressed whether studies appearing higher risk of infectious diseases among paid blood providers are activities of the past, or still hold essentials. Comparable examinations appropriated some place in the scope of 1968 and 2001 were studied for a possible example of advancement in the relative risk for infectious contamination markers among paid and unpaid blood or Infectious Diseases Paid Blood Donation at Access Clinical supporters. Studies reporting that paid donors had lower risk were found, yet most examinations, including late ones, continued uncovering that paid supporters have higher rates of overwhelming disease markers than unpaid providers.
By log-straight backslide examination of the relative risk gauges for infectious sickness markers among paid and unpaid providers from 28 dispersed educational records, evidence was not found to show that the refinement in danger for infectious affliction markers between paid donors and unpaid promoters had diminished after some time. Paid sponsors are still more plausible than unpaid supporters of give blood in the period in the midst of which infectious donations escape recognizable proof by blood-screening tests